Training 2018 Basic

This year's MatCalc course 'MatCalc Basic Thermokinetic Simulations' was held from Aug. 7-10 2018 at TU Wien with 15 participants from both academia and industry.


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To the foto galery ...

Training 2018: "MatCalc Basic Thermokinetic Simulations"


Tuesday (10:00 - 17:00)

- Welcome

- Introduction in MatCalc: GUI and first steps

- Theory: thermodynamic equilibrium, driving forces, databases, ...

- Practical training: How to create a workspace, simple equilibrium calculations, stepped calculations ...

- Practical training: Graphical representation of results, data export, ...

Wednesday (9:00 - 17:00)

- Scheil-Gulliver type calculations (theory and practice)

- T0- temperature (theory and practice)

- Using scripts in MatCalc (examples)

- Theory: Phase transformation and precipitation: Comparison of popular models (KJMA, parabolic growth, DICTRA, ...)

- Practice: How to set up precipitation kinetics simulations

- Theory: Introduction to the SFFK Model

Thursday (10:00 - 18:00)

- Theory: Nucleation theory and implementation into MatCalc

- Practice: Changing nucleation conditions: Ortho- / paraequilibrium nucleus composition, nucleation sites, etc.

- Practice: Simulation of heat treatments

- Theory: Treatment of interfacial energies.

- Theory and practice: Grain boundary precipitation versus random distribution: the importance of the correct diffusion field geometry

- Examples

Friday (8:30 - 14:30)

- Calculation of TTP-diagrams (theory and example)

- Discussion / analysis of practical examples of users

Foto gallery ...

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Course participants got assistance of Philipp this year Ernst did the whole simulation using one hand only!
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Matthias and Tobias following the console output Nikolai defining the thermomechanical treatment
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Georg and Manuel wonder what went wrong... Viktor keeps an eye on the evolving precipitate distribution
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Bingye scrolls through buffer states Jana and Alexander describe the plot axes
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Christian and Daniela looking for the error cause Sanjeev was proud of his performance
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Pascal checks if the equation was implemented correctly Cecilia and Kevontrez typing the script commands 
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We had the supper at "Zur Alten Kaisermühle"... ...where some drinks for cooling were also served.
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We enjoyed that time together... ...till the evening hours came
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The party moved then to Strandbar Herrmann... ... located near the Urania observatory