MatCalc 5.31
See the changes which happened with version 5.31 below
version 5.31.1005: online 2009-09-25
This version represents a major version change from 5.30.xxxx to 5.31.xxxx. The most important changes are listed below.
A new category of variables has been introduced denoted as GBB variables (Generalized (nearest-neighbor) Broken Bond) from the model published in [B. Sonderegger and E. Kozeschnik, „Generalized nearest neighbor – broken bond analysis of randomly oriented coherent interfaces in multi-component fcc and bcc structures“, Metall. Mater. Trans., 40A (2009) 499-510]. The most important of those is the Calculated Interfacial Energy (CIE) for planar, sharp interfaces and the atomic pair interaction parameters LIJ_INTER$El1$El2.
The GBB variables can now be used without taking magnetic interactions into account. In order to conserve compatibility with previous version, a new phase flag has been introduced which takes into account magnetic effects in GBB quantities just as before: By default, Phase status→ flags → GBB variables without magnetic contribution is not set. * WARNING * use this feature with some caution!
There was some restructuring in the variables categories in general.
The evaluation of precipitation strengthening has been improved by taking into account a critical coherency radius under which precipitates are cut and above which precipitates are bypassed by dislocations. New variables are available to facilitate evaluation of strengthening based on user-defined functions incuding the total number and mean radius of precipitates above and below the critical coherency radius.
Plots can now be exported into pdf files as they are, that means with correct font sizes etc.
It is possible now to define a log file, which traces the output window during your calculation and operation. Use the command SET_LOG_FILE with enabled/disabled.
The script menu has been extended and modified. It is possible now to quickly access user-defined and pre-defined scripts, which appear in the new 'script' menu. This menu displays scripts that are placed in the scripts/script_menu folder. These options are helpful, for instance, for quickly creating and arranging windows that are frequently used.
The RMB menu options 'Copy & close' and 'Execute & close' are now working correctly in the command-history window. These functions are convenient for developing scripts or execute commands from the command history.
A bug in the execution of post-segment-scripts in the heat treatments has been corrected.
The output message during precipitation calculations for '*** warning: *** error calculating maximum driving force (22x)' and '*** info: performed growth correction (17x) ***' are now displayed in grouped manner to increase readability of precipitation simulation output.
The commands for defining stepped calculations for T0-calculus in the MatCalc console are implemented now.
The treatment of interfacial energies has been slightly modified to eliminate the influence of the precipitate phase fraction.
This version contains several bug fixes from previous versions.