MatCalc 5.41

See the changes which happened with version 5.41 below

version 5.41.1000: online 2010-11-03

  • Implemented minimum nucleation radius in treatment of shape factors for very small precipitates. The shape factor is now maximized such as to give the heigth / thickness of the precipitate according to the minimum nucleation radius.
  • Implemented variables for the equivalent radius thickness and heigth. Both for mean precipitate diameter as well as particle distribution quantities.

version 5.41.0027: snapshot 2010-10-27

  • We have implemented a new script editor. From the File menu and New… you can now open a script document. The corresponding editor supports syntax highlighting and the completer functionality from the console window. Try it out, a totally new script experience. You can modify the completer's behavior in the view-menu → Completer.
  • Added support for if-then functionality and logical expression. Use this new function in your formulas and expressions etc. simply with IF(condition;then_value;else_value). An example would be: SET_VARIABLE_VALUE test_var IF(T$C>1000.0;500;800). This expression would assign either the value of 500 or 800 to the variable 'test_var', depending on the result of the logical expression in the first argument. BTW: You can evaluate these expression simply by using the SHOW_EXPRESSION command, for instance: SHOW T$C>1000.0. The result will be either 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE).
  • Added functionality for loops in scripts. It is now possible to use the keywords IF (condition) / ELSE / ENDIF, as well as WHILE (condition) ENDWHILE. Some example scripts can be found here and here.
  • The database dialog now contains drop lists for frequently used databases.
  • With this version of MatCalc, you can now assign text to string variables. They can be used in your scripts, or any other kind of application. Most important, the FORMAT_STRING_VARIABLE function, where you can use the same syntax as in the EXPORT_FILE commands to format strings in a C-like manner. The commands are all grouped in the mc_core module and «SYMBOLIC».
  • You can now send strings, messages etc. into the console and output window. Sometimes convenient for communication with the user or to structure the output during calculations. Use either the SEND_OUTPUT_STRING of SEND_CONSOLE_STRING commands.
  • Implemented two new variables HEQ_MEAN and DEQ_MEAN to display thickness and heigth of the non-spherical precipitates when using shape factors.
  • Implemented formula for calculation of mean precipitate distance in 2D (in the glide plane of a dislocation) used for strength evaluation. Unpublished work by B. Sonderegger. Gives most reliable results. Minor changes to previous version.
  • Shape factor is now implemented in the analysis of the mean particle distance in 2D used fore strength calculations. Formula is going to be published soon. It is simple and charming. Ready to test.
  • The grain boundary diffusion ratio from the matrix diffusivity has moved from the precipitate properties to the properties of the precipitation domain. Please mind that in your scripts.
  • Implemented a model for the influence of pipe diffusion through dislocations on the diffusion coefficient. The diffusion coefficient will be higher by almost to two orders of magnitude if the dislocation density goes up to 1e16 m-2. This feature can be checked in the precipitation domain variable PIP_DCF$prec_domain$element.
  • Rearranged command groups for precipitation domain settings. This was unfortunately necessary because this comand line menu was totally crowded with historic stuff. Your scripts will unfortunately not be compatible any longer for the set-precipitate-parameters for precipitation domains. I sincerly apologize for this inconvenience. The untangled structure should pay off, however, on a long term.
  • Implemented new treatment for excess vacancy evolution according to the treatment by Fi/Svo/Koz. Vacancy evolution is now determined by the dislocation density and grain size of the parent precipitation domain. It is also possible to take into account Frank loops and annihilation / generation at these objects.
  • Changed treatment of upper and lower limits of thermodynamic functions. Previously, these have been ignored. Now, they are used and thermodynamic functions deliver NULL if outside the region. This can have severe consequences when performing calculations outside the validity range of the functions, particularly at temperatures below 298.16 K. * ATTENTION *.
versioninfo/5.41.txt · Last modified: 2012/11/20 14:06 by
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