MatCalc 6.02
Below are details describing the various changes and new features of the MatCalc versions 6.02.xxxx. Version 6.02 is mostly a bugfix release. Only minor new features, but tons of better functionality for your work …
version 6.02.1000: online 2018-12-21
New features
Improved bug reporter. Send better automatic reports to MatCalc support.
Several improvements in license manager functionality.
Implemented functionality for nucleation driving force weighting function. This will facilitate on-particle transformation-based nucleation capability.
Fixed erroneous treatment of Read-Shockley 'geometrically necessary dislocation density' (GND). By default, the subgrain misorientation angle is now zero. For proper GND evolution, the user can provide a function for the evolution of the misorientation angle.
Changed default value for wall equilibrium dislocation density from Read Shockley to true. Mind the changes also from treatment of GND from above item.
Improved treatment of dynamic strength: More consistent implementation of thermal and athermal contributions.
Better implementation of scaling factor in plot axes. Will now correctly scale if locked series are rescaled.
Removed DD_EQU
. Replaced by DD_EQU_INT
Improved updater when recognizing new MatCalc version.
Implemented new variables for composition-dependence of strengthening parameters (Sigma-Theta model) …
Added strain rate exponent in thermal activation framework.
Bug fixes
Several memory leak bug fixes
Fixed bug in treatment of subgrain diameter during recrystallization
Fixed bug when creating more than 9 precipitate populations. You can now create 99 populations from one precipitate type.
Fixed commands for use-linear-misfit-in-strength and linear-misfit-for-strength
Fixed crash with sigma-theta model and tmt segments with zero strain
Fixed wrong transfer of rexx fraction when using “reset-recrystallized-fraction” in tmt segment
Fixed store order with segment post and pre-scripts as well as mse initializations
Fixed problem with very large files (loading and storing)
Fixed draw lines when no default style selected for a series and line type is “Lines”
Fixed crash with reading databases after creating composition sets.